Directed by Ana Teixeira and Stephane Brodt, the Amok Theatre is dedicated to continuous research about acting and staging possibilities. Since its foundation in 1998, for its plays, the group has been awarded with several Brazilian theatre prizes and received great recognition from the critics and public alike.
Amok’s work is characterised by the pursuit of a formal rigour and by an intensity that the actor's body affirms as being the place in which theatre takes place. Every new project drives the group to seek different research paths and training based on dialogue with different traditions and cultures. Amok Theatre plays deal with contemporary themes without losing sight of the affirmation of the scene as a poetic and ceremonial space.
In 2002, the Amok Theatre was awarded the Rio de Janeiro State Government prize for the play, O Carrasco (The Hangman). With the proceeds, the group bought an old house in Rua das Palmeiras in Botafogo to act as its headquarters.
For a theatre company, having its own space means a guarantee of its permanence, the continuity of its work. The space is for the actor what the instrument is for the musician, or the canvas for the painter: it is the artifice on which his/her expression can appear. Furthermore, having one’s own headquarters means experimentation, training, research, enjoying total artistic independence.